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3.营造母语环境,注重能力培养。光盘充分调动图片、动画等多媒体形式,营造出生动有趣的母语环境,培养儿童对英语的适应能力和实际应用的能力。7 L0 V4 X0

4.练习形式多样。课后设置了大量形式活泼的练习,能够引发学生积极思考,有效检查学习效果。操作简单方便,人机轻松互动。’ ~







5.各位老师有了它你不用再为公开课去费心的做课件了,而且平时的课堂内容也丰富了,更能提高学生的学习英语的兴趣,你的课堂不再干干巴巴。5 z+ b* z+ w3 H( d! ~




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第一册(一起点)课程目录: g2 n& l; _1 w/ |* R- b

Module 1 Unit 1 Hello!: b- B5 r0 |” r4 E+ Q

Module 1 Unit 2 How are you?

Module 2 Unit 1 What’s your name?

Module 2 Unit 2 I’m a boy.

Module 3 Unit 1 How many?

Module 3 Unit 2 How many girls?

Module 4 Unit 1 It’s red.

Module 4 Unit 2 How many green balls?3

Module 5 Unit 1 Sit down!#

Module 5 Unit 2 Point to the window.

Module 6 Unit 1 This is my teacher./ ]

Module 6 Unit 2 That is a cat. m0 m

Module 7 Unit 1 What’s this?

Module 8 Unit 1 Is it a dog?

Module 8 Unit 2 It’s a black cat.) i5 \

Module 9 Unit 1 How old are you?

Module 9 Unit 2 Happy birthda

Module 10 Unit 1 Where’s my pen?

Module 10 Unit 2 A doll is under


Module 1 UNIT 1 Where’s the cat?

Module 1 UNIT 2 How many green birds?; ^

Module 2 UNIT 1 That is my father.

Module 2 UNIT 2 He’s a doctor.

Module 3 UNIT 1 This is her bag.

Module 3 UNIT 2 My mother is a nurse.# f)s

Module 4 UNIT 1 This is my head.

Module 4 UNIT 2 These are your legs.

Module 5 UNIT 1 They’re cows.0 S

Module 5 UNIT 2 It’s thin.

Module 6 UNIT 1 That snake is long..

Module 6 UNIT 2 The baby lions are cute.)

Module 7 UNIT 1 Let’s play football!

Module 7 UNIT 2 Let’s sing! k)

Module 8 UNIT 1 I like football./

Module 8 UNIT 2 What’s your favourite sport?

Module 9 UNIT 1 I don’t like meat.

Module 9 UNIT 2 I don’t like ginger.

Module 10 UNIT 1 Do you like dolls?#

Module 10 UNIT 2 Do they like jigsaws?

REVIEW MODULE UNIT 1 He’s a driver.5

Reading for Pleasure


Module 1 UNIT 1 I like the ABC song.

Module 1 UNIT 2 What do you like?

Module 2 UNIT 1 He likes this T-shir

Module 2 UNIT 2 He doesn’t like this shirt.

Module 3 UNIT 1 We have English in the morning.

Module 3 UNIT 2 I like PE.

Module 4 UNIT 1 It’s 2 o’clock.) a

Module 4 UNIT 2 What’s the time?

Module 5 UNIT 1 I get up at 7 o’clock in the morning.2 z

Module 5 UNIT 2 It’s half past 7.

Module 6 UNIT 1 She watches TV.8 r) k9 E& w2 z- R& {

Module 7 UNIT 1 What do you do at the weekend?

Module 7 UNIT 2 Where do you live?

Module 8 UNIT 1 How do you go to school?

Module 8 UNIT 2 I go by train.’

Module 9 UNIT 1 It’s winter.

Module 9 UNIT 2 It’s warm.

Module 10 UNIT 1 Happy New Year!!

Module 10 UNIT 2 We have Christmas.

REVIEW MODULE UNIT 1 What’s the time, Mr Wolf?

REVIEW MODULE UNIT 2 Does Amy like English?0 f( EVIEW MODULE

Reading for pleasure It’s under the desk。


Module 1 Unit 1 What’s the weather like?

Module 1 Unit 2 I like swimming.

Module 2 Unit 1 She’s listening to the rad

Module 2 Unit 2 I’m drawing a picture.!

Module 3 Unit 1 Sam isn’t tidying his room.

Module 3 Unit 2 Are you doing your homework?: P7 } g

Module 4 Unit 1 What are you doing?

Module 4 Unit 2 What’s she doing

Module 5 Unit 1 Lingling is skippin

Module 5 Unit 2 What are you playing?1

Module 6 Unit 1 I usually play basketball.5

Module 6 Unit 2 We are helping her.

Module 7 Unit 1 It’s Children’s Day today.

Module 7 Unit 2 We’re having a picnic.8

Module 8 Unit 1 The train is going up a hill.

Module 8 Unit 2 We’re turning around.7 h, t)

Module 9 Unit 1 Turn left

Module 9 Unit 2 Where do you live?

Module 10 Unit 1 It’s next to the park.

Module 10 Unit 2 Where’s the toilet, please?

REVIEW MODULE Unit 1 I wear shorts on hot days.(

REVIEW MODULE Unit 2 It’s next to the tree.

Reading for Pleasure The Three Little Pigs$

9 F& ^* E* q. l8 G. Z, o


Module 1 Unit 1 Do you use chopsticks in England?

Module 1 Unit 2 I’m eating hamburgers and chips

Module 2 Unit 1 We’re making a cake)

Module 2 Unit 2 I’m watchi

Module 3 Unit 1 These ducks are very naughtyl: k2 p

Module 3 Unit 2 This is Sam’s sweater.

Module 4 Unit 1 Can you run fast?

Module 4 Unit 2 This bird can fly$

Module 5 Unit 1 Can I have an ice cream?

Module 5 Unit 2 Can I come in?! m

Module 6 Unit 2 She’s got a pet cat

Module 7 Unit 1 Have you got a headach

Module 7 Unit 2 She’s got a cold, i. e2 v7 o- K

Module 8 Unit 1 There are stone animals

Module 8 Unit 2 How many people are there in your family?

Module 9 Unit 1 I’m going to do long jump

Module 9 Unit 2 I’m going to be a driver0

Module 10 Unit 1 Are you going to go t

Module 10 Unit 2 What are you going to see?

Reading for Pleasure The Little Red Hen

Reading for Pleasure By the


Module 1 UNIT 1 She’s very nice.

Module 1 UNIT 2 I’m going to help her.

Module 2 UNIT 1 It’s very long.

Module 2 UNIT 2 You’ll see Tower Bridge.

Module 3 UNIT 1 Maybe we’ll go to the zoo.

Module 3 UNIT 2 Will you phone me?

Module 4 UNIT 1 Maybe I’ll be a writer.

Module 4 UNIT 2 He’ll be an astronaut.!

Module 5 UNIT 1 We’ll pick fruit.2

Module 5 UNIT 2 There are fourteen peaches.

Module 6 UNIT 1 He works hard.! D

Module 6 UNIT 2 She’s quite good at English.2 e;

Module 7 UNIT 2 He was in Hong Kong.% F

Module 8 UNIT 1 Were you on the second floor?

Module 8 UNIT 2 It was there.

Module 9 UNIT 1 Tomorrow is Friday.

Module 9 UNIT 2 He will sleep on Sunday.

Module 10 UNIT 1 There are fifty children in my class `

Module 10 UNIT 2 What’s sixty plus thirty?$

REVIEW MODULE UNIT 1 Will you go swimming?

Reading for Pleasure Jack and the Beanstalk-

Reading for Pleasure My Uncle Jimmy


Module 1 UNIT 1 Lucy lives in London.

Module 1 UNIT 2 I’ve got a new friend.-

Module 2 UNIT 1 I helped my mum.

Module 2 UNIT 2 Amy painted a picture.

Module 3 UNIT 1 She didn’t walk to school yesterday.F

Module 3 UNIT 2 I didn’t play football.! |’

Module 4 UNIT 1 Chinese people invented

Module 4 UNIT 2 He invented this bicycle in 1839.

Module 5 UNIT 1 We went to the Great Wall.

Module 5 UNIT 2 I wore warm clothes.

Module 6 UNIT 1 It didn’t make gold.6 b8

Module 6 UNIT 2 He didn’t come back.

Module 7 UNIT 1 Did you break your toy?

Module 7 UNIT 2 There were three children.1 I

Module 8 UNIT 1 What did she play?& a7

Module 9 UNIT 1 What happened to yo Q

Module 9 UNIT 2 I bumped my head.

Module 10 UNIT 1 I’ve got a stomach ache.3

Module 10 UNIT 2 Wang Fei’s got a cold./ F

REVIEW MODULE UNIT 1 Yesterday was a special day.


MODULE 1 FRIENDS Unit 1 Amy is taller than Lingling.

MODULE 1 FRIENDS Unit 2 You are older than me

MODULE 3 COMPUTERS Unit 1 It’s more expensive.

MODULE 3 COMPUTERS Unit 2 Lucy Locket lost her wallet. R7 V1 d, E

MODULE 4 MUSIC Unit 1 I love this music.) _5

MODULE 4 MUSIC Unit 2 I am the music man

MODULE 5 SINGING CONTEST Unit 1 This girl is better.

MODULE 5 SINGING CONTEST Unit 2 Sing to your daddy. PD- c

MODULE 6 ENGLISH NEWSPAPER Unit 2 Let’s take our kites!

MODULE 7 SPACE Unit 1 This one is the biggest planet.

MODULE 7 SPACE Unit 2 Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star4

MODULE 8 AMERICA Unit 1 To the south is Mexico.%

MODULE 8 AMERICA Unit 2 Yankee Doodle came to town.1

MODULE 9 GEOGRAPHY Unit 1 Where is the most beautiful place?:

MODULE 9 GEOGRAPHY Unit 2 I went to the east.

MODULE 10 SUMMER HOLIDAYS Unit 1 I’ll send you a postcard.

MODULE 10 SUMMER HOLIDAYS Unit 2 I will have adventures.

REVIEW MODULE STOTY TIME Unit 1 Chinese Pears7 T. y)

READING FOR PLEASURE 1. The Lantern Festival$


READING FOR PLEASURE 3.Huojia and the Moon

READING FOR PLEASURE 4. The Girl and the Frog*


Module 1 UNIT 1 There wasn’t a pond.

Module 1 UNIT 2 There are tall trees.-

Module 2 UNIT 2 They sell different things.

Module 3 UNIT 1 Today is Halloween. l

Module 3 UNIT 2 Easter is in spring.

Module 4 UNIT 1 We’re going to sing and dance.

Module 4 UNIT 2 Amy is going to be 11.

Module 5 UNIT 1 It’s mine!

Module 5 UNIT 2 Amy’s blue dress is wet.

Module 6 UNIT 1 You can play basketball well., Ne

Module 6 UNIT 2 They got fifty points.

Module 7 UNIT 1 This dog can help him.

Module 7 UNIT 2 It could hear the people.

Module 8 UNIT 1 They sit around tables.

Module 8 UNIT 2 There are lots games.

Module 9 UNIT 1 Are you sad?

Module 9 UNIT 2 Zara was happy., C

Module 10 UNIT 1 You should tidy your toys

Module 10 UNIT 2 You shouldn’t be late.

5 Q. U; ~6 A. x5 k) C4 v0 q


Module 1 Unit 1 She was a driver before.

Module 1 Unit 2 He worked in an office.

Module 2 Unit 1 What did she have for lunch?

Module 2 What did she have for lunch?

Module 3 Unit 1 Have you got the Harry Potter videos?

Module 3 Unit 2 You can use the computers.

Module 4 Unit 1 Did you read them?

Module 4 Unit 2 My favourite season is spring.

Module 5 Unit 2 Mine is pink.

Module 6 Unit 1 We’ll see lots of stones.,

Module 7 Unit 1 Write your message.

Module 7 Unit 2 I will be home at seven o’clock.

Module 8 Unit 1 Will you help me?:

Module 8 Unit 2 How I made the ki

Module 9 Unit 2 That will be fun!

Module 10 Unit 1 What did you put in your bag?97 \

Module 10 Unit 2 I played on the beach.

Reading for Pleasure The Girl in the Pagoda

Reading for Pleasure A Special Pet3 I8

Reading for Pleasure Louis Braille


MODULE 1 Unit 1 How long is the Great Wall?

MODULE 1 Unit 2 It’s twenty metres tall.

MODULE 2 Unit 1 There is a big Chinatown in New York.

MODULE 2 Unit 2 I went to a library yesterday.& m)

MODULE 3 Unit 1 Have you got any stamps from China?

MODULE 3 Unit 2 These stamps are from America.

MODULE 4 Unit 1 Can you tell me about American festivals?#

MODULE 4 Unit 2 It’s a very important festival.

MODULE 5 Unit 1 Can I write to her?

MODULE 5 Unit 2 I want a Chinese pen pal.

MODULE 6 Unit 1 I’ve got some Chinese chopsticks.

MODULE 6 Unit 2 I haven’t got a book about America.1

MODULE 7 Unit 1 Pandas love bamboo.

MODULE 7 Unit 2 A child sleeps for eight hours a night.

MODULE 8 Unit 1 Do you often tidy your room?

MODULE 8 Unit 2 I often help my mum.

MODULE 9 Unit 1 Do you want to visit the UN building?+ }

MODULE 9 Unit 2 What do you like doing?

MODULE 10 Unit 1 Only drink clean water!



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